My new life, journey began last Easter when I violently broke up with my ex boyfriend, lets call him Tom, and pretty much immediately after went to a trip with my roommate. This is probably where I should start telling you my story, still I will look further if needed. 

I grew up in suburbs with my mom and stepdad. My dad lives at the countryside. When I was old enough, I moved to the cities, alone. I may have the most amazing friends that possible and I do enjoy my life. That's why I started to write this blog. 

Tom was the first guy who didn't went to the same junior high as I did. Kind of fucked up, huh? And he was the longest relationship that I ever had. Once I had sex related relationship with this one guy for a five years, but there was never love. Tom instead loved me in a way that noone ever did, and I loved him so much, or at least I thought so. We had good times, but I guess the problem was that we had nothing to do together and I say, he wasn't even trying. At one point everything we did or said was just attempt to annoy and small fights turned to physical. I don't blame him any more or less than I blame myself. We were both stupid and just too blind to see it was better to let go. 

Well the last drop falled and me and my very open minded roommate decided to take a trip to the city where all the troubles are gone, because you can eat so much good cheese, admire old, tiny, but so elegant wooden houses by the canal, see the glory of the tulips, fall in love with a bouncer and smell the happiness coming from the nearest coffee shop. Two single girls enjoying freedom and breathing fresh air. In Amsterdam I realized that I didn't love Tom anymore. But I wasn't sad.